When we pause to take inventory of the whole sum of our lives, the dark forgotten corners become illuminated, and awareness blossoms. This awareness paves the path to the choices we can make to grow and flourish...
Flourishing garden on the Hummingbird Highway
Balance is not something you find, it's something you create - Jana Kingsford
The dictionary defines Balance as 'an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.' Whether you're balancing a baby on your hip, cell phone by your ear, tray full of food, or holding crow pose for one minute...balance requires some degree of focus to maintain.
Since embarking on this growth journey, I've had significant positive transformation in my life ~ yet still experience days when I can feel the beads of sweat trickle down the sides of my face as I struggle to find balance on a tightrope that I must cross to get to where I want to be on the other side.
We should never be so imbalanced that a faint whisper will send us hurtling into the depths below...we should be dancing freely on beautiful solid ground, able to smile and gracefully move through any weather that develops.
A recent Mindvalley masterclass (Lifebook with Jon and Missy Butcher) I completed has opened my eyes to why there is even a tightrope present in my life to begin with...
Balance is the key to everything. What we do, think, say, eat, feel...they all require awareness and through this awareness we can grow - Koi Fresco
The class laid out twelve distinct areas of life that we must equally shine the light of awareness on ~ Health & Fitness, Intellectual, Emotional, Character, Spiritual, Love Relationship, Parenting, Social, Financial, Career, Quality of Life and finally your Life Vision.
I've had a pretty clear vision of who I want to be and how I want my life to enfold for a while now. This image I hold in my mind, is detailed in hundreds of words in my journal, through pictures on my vision board, prints on my walls, lipstick on my mirror and on several pieces of paper on my desk :) I take the idea of 'what you write you invite' very seriously :) This vision fills me with hope and excitement and is what I use as the driving force behind my daily thoughts and actions.
What I didn't realize is that in order for me to truly make this my reality sooner and most importantly, to eliminate the struggle surrounding that daunting tight rope, I must carefully think through what I want in every area of my life and set goals for each that align with my ultimate vision. What I've been doing so far, is focusing heavily on two or three of them without being aware of just how important the other areas are in striking that balance!
Let me tell you, the idea of diving into all twelve categories, developing my strategy and actually taking action to create those positive habits, is seriously daunting! But, I've been living outside my comfort zone for a couple years now and understand that if I want to grow, I must run towards the pain and difficulty - head on!
I've discovered as with everything in life, taking SMALL intentional steps forward will eventually bring about the BIG results we desire, so this is my plan! I've only just begun and am already feeling and seeing results. As expressed so eloquently in the quote below, the universe is only waiting for us to make that bold commitment to jump...that commitment to act everyday on creating a masterpiece of our life...to truly live into our life's purpose...and when we do, our vibrant life energy will begin to attract magical synergies gifted by the universe to pave the way to our ultimate success.
Here's to the brilliant light of awareness that empowers us with the wings needed to jump clean off that tightrope with confidence, landing on beautiful solid ground!