Step out and step in
The painful process of stepping out of our comfort zone and into our truth...
Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create - Oprah Winfrey
When I began this journey, I was desperately seeking a new way to be. I was tired of getting the same results...dizzy and exhausted from running on a spinning wheel that seemed to be picking up speed with every passing year....I needed to break start living with my feet firmly planted on the ground...with stability, awareness and clarity. It has not been easy, and although I've had massive breakthroughs and substantial growth, there is so much that is still holding me back. Holding me back from becoming the person that embraces challenges, creates opportunities and is not afraid of really stepping out!
Your insecurity is not your identity - Jema Kutcher
My biggest insecurity has always been that 'I am not enough'...I'm not smart enough to figure things out, I'm not loving enough or strict enough for my boys, I'm not sexy enough...I'm not strong enough for my husband and family...I'm just not enough...I don't have it in me to be the outgoing, confident, joyful presence that lights up the room and the world! I know this about me, and in my studies on the mind, I also know that this belief is severely flawed! It's simply a belief I picked up as a child, nurtured along the years and cemented into my self image.
Jim Fortin does a training series called 'Be.Do.Have'. He explains that most of us operate from the principle of Have-Do-Be...if I have the perfect job, house, partner and kids, I can then do all the things I want to do...and finally be happy and fulfilled. When in reality, it doesn't work like this...just the opposite! What most of us don't realize, is that we must first BEcome the person on the inside, who will be fully capable to doing and having a fullfilling life. I need to transform myself from the inside out. I need to be the person who reinvents her self image...who intentionally creates new thought patterns, beliefs and habits...the person comfortable in her imperfections and not afraid to make mistakes...the person confident in her beliefs, opinions and decisions....the person not afraid of failure and being judged...
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything - Vincent Van Gogh
The inner growth journey I'm on led me to start this blog. It began with the exciting little thought that maybe, just maybe, through the lessons I'm learning, I can, in turn help someone who also struggles with letting in the light! I've always loved writing but was not sure if I'm any good at it...but my desire for the possibility of helping just one reader was enough to give me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and into my purpose. I'm still not sure if I'm any good at this writing thing :) but I do know that I enjoy creating the content and have made many personal breakthroughs in the process.
I'm grateful for my handful of subscribers and loyal readers who mostly include my loving and supportive family and friends. The further I progress along this journey, the more I'm certain to learn and grow, fueling in me an even greater desire to share the possibility of transformation with anyone wanting to be, do and have more in life.
I have all this knowledge acquired over the past couple years just swimming in circles in my head...wanting to break free of the walls built up by my self limiting beliefs and flow with wild abandon to the world....
The butterflies in my stomach tell me that this is what I must do, but the heavy weight of my self judgement and lack of belief in myself keep the clear waters dammed!
The nagging little narratives of "what makes me the authority?", "why would anyone listen to me?", "what do I know about building a list, email campaigns, click funnels , landing pages...all the new age online business era lingo! It's enough to quiet the butterflies and set into action immobilizing fear!
Worrying is a dysfunctional pressure - feeling fear before the reality of it doesn't serve us - Paul Scheele
Inhale...Exhale...Repeat....breathe in my truth...breathe in the possibility of being the driving force of transformation in the lives of others...breathe in success and fulfillment...breathe out the fear....breathe out the flawed beliefs of unworthiness and lack....let it go and finally rise into my potential....
The more I learn, the more people I want to help. I understand that in order to do this, I must embrace the new age of online business platforms, which will give me the opportunity to reach a wider 'worldwide' audience. This excites me greatly and this excitement is what I'm trying to nurture and keep in the forefront of my thoughts and actions.
Jim Fortin teaches that 'What is most personal, is what is most general'. This means that my personal story...the experiences I've lived, the curveballs and thunderstorms that color my story are very likely similar to a large percentage of other lives too. I know there is a group of brave souls out there who are exhausted with their recurring results and want to transform their lives. I want to be the light that helps them meet their success!
What's the greatest gift we can give each other? Sharing our stories - in all their messy, broken glory. When we stand in the truth of who we are, we invite others to do the same - Michelle Obama
I'm now enrolled in classes and online groups that teach me how to nail my niche, to build my email list, to pitch the perfect campaign and sell my first online course...pretty intense and scary stuff...but I'm determined to let go of the fear of being judged, let go of the fear of not being enough and focus on the goal of helping others realize their amazing potential and harness the light within them.
I'm ready to step out of fear and into my light ~ with butterflies in my bones!
Photo Credit - Ethan Andrew