2021 Posts

Signs from the universe

Apr 17, 2021

How pausing to pay attention creates major wonderstruck goosebumps erupting moments!

Photo Credit: My monkeys in the Casuarina pine :)

I mentioned in a couple of posts back that I never know what my next writing topic will be...I instead live into the next month with the deep knowing that an idea will come into my awareness. I walk through the days in between my posts with the steady assurance that inspiration will strike, and when it does, fingers will be at the ready on the keyboard!

Have dominion over your awareness and you'll have dominion over your destiny - Michael Beckwith

This assurance wasn't always present in my life. This is something I've become aware of in the past year, and am in process of learning how to master. Awareness is one of my favorite nouns. That state of being has been the catalyst for all the positive changes in my life. When we are not conscious, when we do not recognize, when we have not come to the realization of a potential life changing fact...we remain stuck on the ever-spinning hamster wheel. We keep getting the results we've always gotten. I've become keenly aware of several important life changing facts along this journey and it is my dream to bring the luminous light of this knowing into the lives of others.

I'm in the process of creating something that I hope will bring positive transformation in the lives of everyone it reaches. This intense feeling of urgency has been racing through my veins...I feel this almost cosmic energy pulling at my being! I know it sounds woo-woo...but I have no other way to describe it....I guess this is the 'calling' I've been searching for...the purpose of my existence...The new awareness of this 'calling' has me on a pretty frantic mission to become, what my mentor, Paul, calls an assassin of limiting beliefs. I must accelerate the reprogramming of the supercomputer sitting on my shoulders while at the same time learn how to navigate the very large online business world. I'm enrolled in an embarrassingly large number of classes which cover everything from personal rapid hypnotherapy to course building and copywriting:)

This is a snippet of my journal entry from March 25th:

I have a message inside me that the world needs to hear...

What is my message?

What do I need to do to bring transformation to others?

Who do I need to serve?

I am ready to be that servant leader!

Great GOD ~ Great Universal Intelligence....please guide me to the choices I must make and the direction I must take...I am humbly at your service...

The universe doesn't answer questions. It simply gives you signs - Lucas Boyer

A hint, a signal, a pointer, a suggestion, manifestation, evidence ~ signs!

I kid you not...within a week of this journal entry, I started having very serendipitous, goosebump erupting moments of clarity from the signs that seem to be coming from random everyday happenings. Because of this awareness that I've nurtured and the faith I have that the answers will come to me...little things that may have gone unnoticed suddenly became bright, blaring signals! There is so much value in authentic journaling and the benefits of physically writing/documenting your goals. I've had these questions swirling around in my mind for weeks, but the moment I wrote them down on paper, it was like I made my intentions real...I felt this calm wash over me as ink touched paper and flowed across the page. I closed my journal with a smile on my face, ready to receive the answers.

And the answers came...they came in the form of me clicking on a podcast I've never paid much attention to, which lead to me subscribing to the newsletter of the speaker who I instantly resonated with, a speaker who had the core letters of my business name tattooed on his arm...a yellow blanket from my sister, a course called 'Honey Copy', an accidental repeat listen to another podcast episode that I obviously needed to hear again, which lead me to practice what I learned, which lead to the most exciting email response I've received...the opening of one of my course notebooks from two years ago on the perfect random page with answers I had forgotten about...closing a book in my kindle app and noticing a new one in my library that I had bought months ago, one that has the lessons I most need to hear now....(goosebumps)

You didn't come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here - Alan Watts

I don't expect you to understand my crazy signs :) But I do want you to become divinely aware that the universe is truly within us...we were created out of it and remain intricately connected to every molecule of energy flowing through it. When we understand this, we are able to design life through us! Outside circumstances and events have no bearing on our results because of the deep universal power we have flowing through our veins...a power that co-creates with us. The great writer, Paulo Coelho said, "And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you achieve it."

My good old Persian friend, Rumi, said that everything that you want you already are...look inside yourself! What do you want most in this life...who do you want to be, what do you want to create. You were born of this universe, which means you were born fully resourced to be, do and have whatever your soul desires. Believe in you, believe in your dream and believe in your potential to manifest it. Put ink to paper...make your intention real and pay close attention to the signs that will come!

Here's to the many exhilarating goose-bumping moments ahead!



Always be ready to receive!

Photo Credit: Mama