Oceans of Hope
What if the treasure we seek is closer than we think....
Rumi, my favorite poet of centuries past once said, "You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck."
I recently heard someone say that darkness doesn't have a real existence...it's simply the absence of light...the absence of presence...the unawareness of the light of our being.
That necklace we seek...that treasure box of light and joy and peace and fulfillment has never left us...It's always been just within our reach...in the center of our being...in the essence of our core...All these years of looking to outside people, places and things....desperately crawling and seeking and shouting out in frustration, showing up empty handed and defeated over and over again....only to now realize finally that WE ARE what we've been searching for!
"You find peace not be rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level" - Eckhart Tolle
Glorious life energy growing through the concrete on my step!
We live on a planet so beautifully orchestrated for balance and flow and growth and creation...a simple walk in nature, a look up into the always phasing moon and boundless constellations, the rise and fall of the golden sun...the ever-rolling motion of the ocean, are all evidence of this magnificent life force. Every living being on this planet was created with and is connected to this same incredible energy, including the most evolved beings of them all ~ YOU and Me and every human on this planet!
Why is it then that we live so much of our lives out of flow, out of peace, out of creation and growth?
Why is it that we can't see the incredible LIGHT THAT IS US...our innate connection to GOD...that expansive, limitless life force that's within us and all around us?
How do we tap into that life force that is our birthright so that we can harness its incredible energy to create, to flow, to be joyful and free?
These are the questions that have been swirling in my mind for some time now...I've done a lot of work on becoming aware of my thoughts, limiting beliefs and attitudes, slowly changing them to enjoy a more empowered and fulfilling life. I now understand that our thoughts create our realities, and am learning to design my extraordinary life, everyday, little by little from the inside out. I know my progress is awesome, but I also know that I am not where I want to be consistently, on an energetic level. My energy frequency rises and falls like the rolling waves of the ocean on a super choppy day! 😅I know the energy frequency I must vibrate at if I'm showing up as my best self for my family and the people I want to connect with and serve...I know this because I've experienced it several times now. I feel light and free and joyful and filled with so much oxygen...I am able to breathe! Ahhhh!!
I want that coveted peace of mind and high frequency vibe of Buddha and all the yogis and mind gurus and thousands of people that have mastered this skill, living life fully in the beautiful present! So this is the current mission I'm on 🙌! I'm intrigued and committed to learning how to more easily elevate my vibration...how to connect to source and vibe at this frequency more often than not! No more surfing the crest, then diving head first into the deep troughs of those ever rolling waves...Calm seas are on the horizon!
The required foundation for this journey of ascension is Awareness....knowing and understanding intrinsically that we are energetic beings, vibrating at different frequencies depending on the energy of the emotions in our body...these emotions are projected out into the electromagnetic field around us, interacting and creating the vibration of our realities.
"When you change your energy, you change your life." - Dr. Joe Dispenza
So the first thing we must work on, is changing those negative emotions of worry, stress, fear, jealousy, hate, judgment, hopelessness and victimhood...negative, limiting emotions emit very low level frequencies. These lower spectrum frequencies have been scientifically proven to affect, not only our mood and the realities that we attract, but the actual physical health of our bodies! There are so many diseases today caused by the body being in an elevated level of stress for too long! When we know that we can choose our thoughts, change those habits and attitudes, intentionally shifting out those negative emotions closer to the positive end of the spectrum....amazing things happen! Our energy frequency rises, and with it our amazing mind, heart and body connection becomes balanced and coherent, literally improving our physical health, elevating our results and our new beautiful realities. Doesn't this sound amazing?
(**You must check out Gaia.com for seriously enlightening and exciting information on the mind and our divine connection to the infinite!! The 'Rewired' series with Dr. Joe Dispenza is mind blowing!! 🤯🙏**)
"A mind that is stretched by new experiences can never go back to its old dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
So, MEDITATION is one of the most effective ways to access that life force energy, that divine intelligence that we've always had access to...hanging right around our neck as Rumi reminds us! 💫 My previous beliefs about meditation were that it's just too hard, it takes way too long to learn and I suck at it! I latched on to these beliefs after attempting to meditate a couple times in the past and absolutely failing at it...the minute I tried to quiet my mind, thoughts would explode like fireworks on New Years Eve, raining down and loudly igniting the peaceful, quiet blank space I tried to create 🤦🏻♀️
But like all beliefs, I can change it! Based on all the incredible evidence from science, energy healers, mystics, philosophers, and the great Buddha himself...I've decided to give it a shot and change my narrative around this incredible practice. I now tell myself that mediation is easy for me...that mediation is fun and exciting to learn....that I am a great practitioner of the art! 🙌🙏😎 And then I actually ACT on this belief and start practicing regularly! This is the process of changing those beliefs that do not serve us...change your thoughts around it, change the emotions you have towards it and take action everyday to manifest this new belief into your reality!
There are so many mediation resources at our disposal online. Go searching for the music audios that make you feel relaxed and the guided mediation voices that you prefer (they come in all accents of the world 😆), until you're confident enough to do it on your own. Do some breathing exercises to get the oxygen flowing in your mind and heart centers....believe you will reach that enlightened state eventually, have patience, love and compassion with yourself in every practice you do, and don't give up. When those fireworks start raining down...acknowledge them and wipe them away from the screen of your mind...and do that as many times as it takes to achieve the quiet. It will come with practice and gratitude for your efforts and persistence!
When we get to that place beyond our physical bodies...that incredible energy force beyond our five senses...that place of limitless potential...that place of pure, unconditional love...we begin to vibrate at this frequency...the frequency of creation, the natural frequency of our spirit! The better we get at achieving this frequency during our meditations, the better we will BE at emanating this frequency for longer and longer periods of time, when we are fully conscious and living in the beautiful present moment!
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." - Friedrich Nietzsche
I don't know about you, but I am ready to hear the music! Are you ready to dance? All it takes to begin your unique and beautiful journey of ascension is to make the decision right here and right now...to start! Start with excitement in your bones, unwavering belief in your natural possession of and endless connection to source, and deep gratitude for the magnificent life you are about to create! You are so close to the person you want to BE...
"transformation is an instant-moment thing, open to us and available to us in any and every second. Life starts anew when you say it does. Therefore, be gentle with yourself about yourself. Kiss away your (imagined) faults, foibles, and failings, and remember this always: If you saw you as God sees you, you would smile a lot." - 'Happier than God' by Neale Donald Walsch
I'm smiling at you too 😍✨💫❤️ Sending you love and light...