2020 Posts

Magical things

Jul 05, 2020

What if we believed in the magic of the universe...in the mysterious forces that govern our world and everything in it?

Photo - Our first pineapple baby blossoming in the light

The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper - Eden Phillpotts

I've written briefly about some of the Universal Laws in previous posts, and wanted to peel off another layer today. That beautiful photo above is our very first pineapple to bear, two whole years after planting it! We were so excited to see this beauty emerge...and of course it was the sweetest pineapple we had ever tasted because it came from our garden :) Nature gives us perfect examples of these Universal Laws at work. The two years it took for this sweet pineapple to emerge from the earth is just one example of the Law of Gender.

There are seven Universal Laws or principles that govern our universe and everything in it. These Laws create the perfect harmony and balance of the universe. And when we truly understand the power of each, we can consciously use them to create balance and harmony in our own lives. I'm just now scratching the surface of understanding. I've had a brief introduction to them in several of the courses I've taken, but never done a deep dive study. Books on the philosophy of Hermiticism are on my list to read next :)

We live on a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire, next to a moon that moves the sea...and you don't believe in miracles? - Anonymous


This first law speaks of the universal mind, that everything is mental and originates from the spiritual/mental realm before it is manifested in the physical. If you are a person of faith, this law would mean that everything originates from the mind of God (Grand Overall Designer) and since we are created in his likeness and image, everything in turn is created first in our minds. If you are more comfortable with the 'universal mind' or infinite intelligence', they are each representations of the same source.

This means that our individual minds are all a part of this universal mind! What excites me most about this law is the FACT that we have access to this infinite intelligence...we have access to the unlimited resources of the universal mind, to create the life we desire.

Thought legends both past and present have alluded to the grand significance of our mind...the vital importance of our thoughts being the driving creator of our realities!

This law explains the saying 'Perception is Reality'. What we think in our minds, we manifest in our realities...what we think, we become. When I first learned of this concept, my mind was blown and with it began the disintegration of old, self-limiting perceptions and the welcoming in of new, positive, unlimited beliefs! Wayner Dyer said "Change your thoughts, change your life!"


The essence of this law states 'As above, so below; as below, so above' or as the old adage goes 'As within, so without' or 'our outer world is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world'. Staying true to providing balance and harmony, this law further emphasizes that everything in the universe is connected...there is no separation...everthing comes from the one true source..GOD or Infinite Intelligence, and this interconnectedness is expressed on all planes of life.

Learn to channel your energy inwards and you will awaken the sleeping god that you were born to be - Ricky Mathieson

What we are experiencing in our physical world (our reality, or circumstances) is a mirror...a direct effect of what we are experiencing on a spiritual/mental level (inside). If our dominant thoughts are negative, our outer experience will mirror this! This law backs up all the personal development studies and resources I've encountered along my journey...they're all built on the foundation of creating change on the inside first! Change your attitude, change your thoughts/beliefs, perceptions, and your outer world - your results will begin to mirror that and change too! Imagine the incredible breakthroughs that will happen if we apply the core understanding of this law into our lives. Most of us believe that we are victims of our circumstances when truly we are the grand designers of it.


This law backs up the scientific law of energy...that energy is constant and cannot be created or destroyed, simply transferred or converted from one form to another...that everything in the universe is energy, including you and me, simply vibrating at different frequencies. The Law of Vibration states that 'Nothing rests, everything moves and everything vibrates...the whole universe is in vibration.'

The Law of Attraction, whose foundation is based on this Law, states that 'like energy attracts like energy.' Since everything in the universe is Energy, this means that our thoughts and subsequent circumstances are energy too! Our words and actions are also energy and the more energy we channel towards them, the greater our ability to manifest what we want in our physical reality. Our most dominant thoughts/feelings control the vibration we are in and there is a direct correlation between the vibration we are in and the results we attract and experience in life.

Don't let people pull you into their storm. Pull them into your peace - Pema Chodron

Love, compassion, forgiveness, peace and gratitude are among the highest energy vibrations in the universe, with hatred, fear and greed being some of the lowest forms. This law intrigues me and immediately resonated in me the moment it entered my awareness. We are all operating at different vibrational frequencies, and some of us can immediately feel the 'vibe' of a room, of a person, of a situation, the minute we encounter it. Not only is this law vital in manifesting the life we want for ourselves, but it can also be used to influence the vibrational frequencies of others! Imagine a world where we are all channeling the highest vibrations of love and transferring it outward to everyone around us!


The Law of Polarity states that 'Everything can be separated into two wholly opposite parts, and that each part of those still contains the potentiality of the other. Everything exists in duality, everything has poles, everything has its opposite, however opposites are identical in their nature and different only in degree’.

This means that everything has it's pair and nothing is ever one-sided! I heard this broken down by writer Hiran Pagan, like this: Is there good in you? YES... Is there bad in you? YES There is good and bad in all of us...there isn't one person that's wholly good or wholly bad. The examples in nature, science, people, life, are endless...yin and yang, love and hate, cold and hot, good and evil, positive and negative, light and dark...everything exists in duality.

How we can use this Law is simple! By having the awareness of the polarity of life, we can consciously view everything on this spectrum. Circumstances, beliefs, events, ourselves, other people, can now be perceived from both sides.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change - Wayne Dyer

We can look at our failure as a reason to give up OR we can look at it as an opportunity to learn and try again. We can choose to be sad, negative and unproductive in a pandemic, or we can remain positive, enthusiastic and productive. In every single situation you encounter in this life, if you find reasons to be sad, you better believe, there are also reasons to be happy...the Law of Polarity says so...a law that helps to maintain equilibrium and harmony in the universe :)

So next time you are feeling hopeless, it is your lawful duty to search for that reason to hope...because if you choose to look for it, you will find it! Understanding and applying this law is life-transforming!


The Law of Rhythm states that 'Everything flows, everything has its tides, all things rise and fall, a pendulum that swings to the right swings to the left in equal measure, what goes up must come down, rhythm compensates.

This Law can be seen not only in nature, but all aspects of life...in the ocean tides, the rise and fall of the sun and moon, the changing of the seasons, the rise and fall of civilizations, economies, relationships, the swaying of our moods and attitudes...successes and failures.

Everything in the Universe, the Earth and your life are effected by scales which continue to repeat themselves until you reach an understanding as to what these cycles are trying to show you - Ricky Mathieson

For many years, my life experiences felt like a never-ending, roller coaster ride...seasons of positive highs consistently followed by seasons of dark lows. Somewhere along my growth journey I realized that I could harness the infinite potential within me to slowly change the cycle! I could rise above my circumstances and use the power of my mind to challenge the negative beliefs and actions that were keeping me in the revolving loop. I'm a working progress and can attest that my positive highs are now lasting longer than my lows. Being able to understand and slowly transcend the boundaries of this laws fills me with light and hope for the amazing life we all have the ability to create.


This law states that 'Every cause has an effect, every effect has its cause, and every action has it’s reaction.' Life doesn't just happen to us by chance, and get this, there is no such thing as fate or luck! Every result you get in this life happens because of the Law of Cause and Effect! Every effect you receive has a definite cause and likewise, every cause produces an effect! I've written about this law in previous posts because understanding and applying it in my life has been a game changer!

The effects in our life are the results we are experiencing. Are we physically healthy, are we happy, are we successful or are we overweight, unhappy and experiencing failures? All these results/effects are direct manifestations of specific causes. My mentor Paul asks the question, 'Do you want to live life on the Effect side or the Causative side?' and the answer should always to be to live on the Causative side of the Law of Cause and Effect!

Rather than studying the law of cause and effect, people spend their lives being the effect and running from the cause - Eugene J. Martin

Understand this law forces us to take responsibility for our actions...we must challenge those beliefs that don't serve us, learn from our failures and take positive action to become the master designer and creator of the effects we desire!


The Law of Gender is also called the Law of Gestation. This is the final of the universal laws, is considered the Creative Law, and can be seen in every creation in nature. The law states that 'Gender is in everything, everything has its masculine and feminine aspects.' There are two parts to this law.

The first is to understand that the creative process in nature requires both masculine and feminine energy. This includes for reproducing young (in the animal and plant kingdoms) and for humans to create harmony and balance in their lives. Within every man lies the energy of the feminine and within every woman lies the energy of the masculine. Some outward expressions of feminine energies are love, patience, kindness and intuition, and masculine include self-reliance, logic and intellect. In order to create the life we desire, we must learn to create a beautiful balance of the two.

Dreams are the seedlings of reality - James Allen

The second aspect to this law explains the principle of gestation. It states that all seeds, physical and spiritual (ideas are spiritual seeds) have a gestation or incubation period before they manifest. Our baby pineapple manifested after an incubation period of two years in the earth and human babies take nine months to develop in the womb. The same is true for spiritual seeds...for that brilliant idea that you have. We must understand, that once the idea is planted in our mind, there is an incubation period before it can manifest into physical reality. Understanding this forces us to practice patience, faith and gratitude for the future truth that is on the way. But here's the kicker...just as the pineapple needs energy from the sun and water to nourish its environment, our idea also requires energy and an environment conducive to growth. Our ideas blossom and thrive based on the amount of energy we give them. And the higher our vibrational energy, the shorter the incubation period!

Thank you for sticking with me and making it to the end of this very long post :) I hope you are inspired and energized to experience the magic that manifests when putting these laws into practice! We are the creators of our destinies and to be aware of this universal power is everything!

