2023 Posts

Heaven on Earth

Mar 14, 2023

What if heaven is available to us right here, right now, just waiting for us to step into....I feel like I've lived an entire year in just the first three months of 2023! There's been so many opportunities to learn from, so many challenges, heartbreaking losses, and lessons to lean into and integrate...so much energy to ground and transmute. I'm not going to sugar quote it and tell you that I gracefully flowed through these experiences in my high vibrational state....nope...I actually feel like I've trudged through a battlefield and am pretty bloody exhausted now, sitting on my butt, bruised and battered on the other end of that field, catching my breath.

Now that I'm out of the gunfire and smoke....I can finally breathe and see the blessings...the lessons...the amazing resilience it took to get to the other end! And the biggest lesson I'm taking away from these intense weeks is that it didn't have to be as hard as it felt. My perception, my awareness, my thoughts and emotions were rooted on the ground, in my human story...Because I was drowning and couldn't see..too many times, I forgot my power...I forgot my ability to rise above the forest...above the smoke on that field...above the chaos, and really see the bigger picture...or as one of my mentors call it...the God's view perspective.

"Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make ~ not a place you must find." - Wayne Dyer

Most people drown in their human story...staying stuck on that battlefield, forever in survival mode....and sadly never fully living...never becoming aware of just how incredible they really are...just how resourced they are to step off of that field... to step out of their human story and fully into their soul story...that place of beautiful empowerment and knowing that they can use their innate life force energy...their GOD spark energy to co-create with the universe and design the life of their dreams, in every moment...their own Heaven on Earth every day!

"When you truly realize who you are in your essence, then it's just a beautiful dance with creation and you can play in heaven on earth because you know your reality is a result of your perception." - Sara Landon (Wisdom of the Council)

The foundation necessary to building and experiencing your very own 'heaven on earth' is the divine knowing...the deep beautiful awareness of who you are in your essence...at your core...exactly what you are made of! See, there's this life force energy...in Sanskrit, called Prana. This energy flows through our entire body and is connected to the universal life force energy around us...that infinite intelligence is responsible for all of creation...responsible for everything you perceive in this 3D world and beyond! When we remember this, we become aware of just how PowerFull we truly are! We have this creative magical force flowing through us just waiting to be harnessed for our highest good....just waiting for us to step into our birthright and become the commanding master of our unfolding reality!

It's high time to get super excited about our life! Don't you think?

If our reality is a result of our perception...then a shift in how we view ourselves is the key to creating a reality where we get to play, and love and be free!

"You don't get what you want ~ You get what you ARE!" - Sara Landon (Wisdom of the Council)

And I'm here to tell you today, that what YOU are at your CORE is LOVE! The highest vibrational frequency on this planet is the energy of LOVE. The 'Council' teaches that we are spiritual beings having a human experience....what I take this to mean is that we are these beaming, powerful bodies of divine LOVE energy, here to harness this beautiful power and co-create with universe/GOD/infinite intelligence ~ a life of magic, miracles, freedom, joy, and abundance, (or whatever best describes your unique 'heaven on earth'), for our highest good and the highest good of all! We were not created to suffer and trudge through this human experience in survival mode...we were created to awaken to our GOD spark energy and design our life from this powerful knowing.

'I am the Master...

I am the Magic...

I am the Miracle....

And so it is"

- Sara Landon (Wisdom of the Council)

I'm inviting you to consider a shift in perspective...to consider for a moment, how your life would transform if you embraced your divine truth...your life-force love energy ~ the essence of who you are....I'm here to remind you also, that YOU are so WORTHY of the LOVE...you are so worthy of living the life of your dreams...of living from a place of unconditional love for yourself and everyone/thing around you.

Everything you wish to be, YOU ALREADY ARE!

You are whole...You are not lacking or needing of anything...When you remember this truth, there is nothing that can ever stop you from creating your 'heaven on earth'.

It's time to play full out! It's time to live life from this higher divine perspective...it's time to live life with the knowing that Life is happening THROUGH AND FOR YOU. You can choose to play on that chaotic battlefield, or you can choose to play in a heaven of your own creation. Heaven is a choice away...

Happy Creating!!

Sending you so much love and light...
