2020 Posts

Feel the rain

Mar 15, 2020

How a shift in mindset helps me to turn my grey skies blue...

Lessons from the 'Iceman'

So I was introduced to this cool Dutch dude called Wim Hof on Netflix's controversial show, 'The Goop Lab'. Each of its six episodes explores an unconventional/ experimental/ pseudoscientific topic all geared towards overall wellbeing and happiness. My personal favorite of the episodes centers on Wim Hof, also known as the 'Iceman'. He has created the 'Wim Hof Method' centered on three main pillars: Cold Therapy, Breathing & Commitment (Mindset). He has learned to master his mind and control his bodily functions in extremely cold environments. (www.wimhofmethod.com)

There is a host of health benefits related to his method, but the ones that pushed me to give it a try are - boosts feel-good chemicals in the brain, reduces stress and improves the immune system. I am no expert on the method, and have yet to try the breathing technique aspect...but I must tell you that I have been committed to 'my version' of the cold therapy :) My family knows me to typically be wearing a sweater in our Belize 'cold-fronts' of 70 degrees, immersing my body inch by inch at a painstaking snail's pace (while screaming at the top of my lungs), when entering a 'cold' waterfall pool, or the sea, and taking daily steaming hot showers that color my skin lobster red :) All in all, not a lover of the cold....until the Iceman!

180 Degree Turn of the Faucet

There are different types of cold therapy...the extreme ice baths or cold air blasting rooms (or like what Wim Hof does...swimming in ice lakes or running barefooted and bare-chested in arctic environments!) or the lesser extreme ~ cold showers. I opted for the cold showers:) I know this will probably sound silly to people who have always preferred cold showers, but for me this has been monumental :) So for the past month, my morning showers have included an intentional turning of the faucet 180 degrees to the right...all the way to 'C'! I then take a couple deep breaths, step into the shower and do a ridiculous chicken dance as my body makes contact with the cold water (and I am proud to say I surprisingly do all of this quietly...no loud screaming ;) The turning of the faucet is symbolic to me...it's my beginning of the day commitment to steer my mindset to the positive! I enter the shower happy about my intention and exit feeling invigorated, grateful and excited to conquer the day! Who knew!

Get High on your OWN supply! - Wim Hof

This statement is so powerful...the Iceman says this often when referring to the benefits of his breathing technique (which I will be testing soon and possibly implementing into my AAA (Anti-Anxiety Artillery) The only reason I haven't tried it yet is because of the dizzying effects that almost mimic hyperventilation (which closely resembles physical symptoms of my 'not panic attacks'). So honestly I am a little scared...but I remain committed to this light infiltration journey!

His technique basically allows you to get 'high' on your own oxygen! The amount of oxygen we inhale into our body, directly influences the amount of energy that gets released into the body...his technique brings more oxygen into the body, optimally energizing our cells, which in turn positively affects our nervous system and various physiological responses. Sounds awesome right?

I think getting 'high' - happy, positive, healthy - on your 'own supply' goes beyond breathing really productive oxygenated cells into the body.

It's the life-changing realization that we have the ability, the potential, the choice to let in that light, let in that 'high' through our thoughts, our attitudes, our daily choices...our OWN supply!

To medicate or not...

I know this can be hard to swallow when you suffer with chronic anxiety or depression...My personal journey with the idea of treating depression with medication has been one of total avoidance. I have avoided going down that path all my life (even now...leaving it as my 'last resort')...as I've mentioned in previous posts, this avoidance stems from watching my mama's rollercoaster journey with antidepressants. I have however, seen the positive impacts it has had on her when she was finally diagnosed the correct one. I know that it helps...I just never wanted to experience the crazy side effects, and to be honest, the idea of a pill changing and messing with the composition of my brain, kind of freaks me out (understandable coming from a person who also avoids taking Tylenol;)

**I know medication does incredible things for a lot of people and is sometimes 100% necessary to have a life worth living...I have seen this first hand so I am in no way discouraging its use if properly diagnosed by a doctor**

I have lived most of my life in a hopeless loop of suffering with my depressive tendencies, experiencing some rays of light, getting hope, then plummeting again into the darkness...considering antidepressants, experiencing high mental and physical resistance to trying...getting hope again when the light returned (see, didn't need the pills), then staying true to course, plummeting once again...UNTIL NOW...(fireworks emoji:)

I now feel a change in the course...I feel like I have broken free of the loop and am now on a different path and this shift fills me with such deep gratitude every day!

This gradual shift has been occurring for the past two years...and is a direct result of my introduction to the teachings of past and present thought legends (Napoleon Hill, James Allen, Wallace D. Wattles, Maxwell Maltz, Bob Poctor, John C. Maxwell, Paul Martinelli, Roddy Galbrith, Lisa Nichols...). My awareness has expanded to heights that challenge and excite me everyday. I now am confident that I am fully resourced to conquer my mind. I have the potential to choose....to change the beliefs that have not been serving me...the thoughts that have kept me in that hopeless spiral...the attitudes that instilled dread, fear, anxiety of the future...

Some days I feel such joy in my heart, in my lungs, in my stomach, in my feet, that I might explode :) Then the sneaky little familiar thoughts wiggle their way in, trying to remind me that this probably will not last...don't get too excited...But you know what I do?...I acknowledge them (because they will forever be a part of ME and I am totally fine with that now)...I tell them that I know this 'high' cannot last forever (if it did I would not be human:)...I know that life throws us curveballs everyday...but I also know that I am strong enough to stay above the water now...and if I plummet into the depths...it will not be for long! Before, the hope to crest the surface was always waning and the faith that I could soar above was non-existent...

This is growth...

But, it requires so much work y'all! There's this quote by the great Zig Ziglar that goes "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing, that's why we recommend it daily" :) This is so true...to Iive in this radiant light requires intention and discipline. It demands that I listen to motivational podcasts, that I read books that feed my mind and soul, that I delve deep into my Empowered Living studies, that I write down my thoughts and emotions on demand, that I make time for yoga, that I strive to find the positive in every situation, that I practice mindfulness - experiencing every moment of the day with an open heart and open mind. In this crazy evolving world we live in, it is more important than ever to find ways to perfect the art of protecting our bliss...and it is so worth it.
