Embracing the Divine Femme
Imagine what we could create, resolve and heal if we learned to embrace and channel the incredible life force energy of the divine feminine!
The repression of the feminine has led to a planet on the edge of collapse. The re-emergence is going to be a dance to behold - Clare Dakin
There is so much violence, injustice, fear, destruction, corruption, and just blatant disrespect for each other and Mother Nature swirling around this planet. A five-minute scan of the daily news feed is enough to conjure immediate anxiety and feelings of hopelessness. This is why I avoid the news as best I can. I rely on my husband to keep me informed on only the most pressing information, like more stringent Covid regulations being enacted (if I don't know this I could be arrested:) and an approaching hurricane!(If I don't know this I could die:)
I take great strides to keep the environment I can control as positive and light-filled as possible.
It was Ghandi's who said 'You must be the change you want to see in the world.' I wholeheartedly believe that in order for us to be a force for transformation on this planet, we must first heal and transform ourselves. This has been my mission. I've done a lot of work on improving my self-image, self-esteem, and confidence and continue to do so every day. This has allowed me to change the course of my life and create a new path that I'm very excited to journey on. A path that I hope will lead to positively impacting and transforming the world.
Just recently, my mind, spirit, and body were ignited by another positive energy force. In my social media feed (which I've carefully curated to include the voices of only energies I align with), appeared the bold, unapologetic, diva voice of Ingrid Arna! She is a successful coach/mentor/creatrix who empowers women all over the world to harness their divine feminine energy to create the abundant life they deserve. She openly declares that she is beautiful and vain, she loves herself and her diva ways, she lives to channel her inner goddess and will unapologetically make her voice and message known in this world.
A woman in love with herself is magnetic - Abiola Abrams
Her message jolted me. My immediate emotions were a contradiction...the natural human reaction quickly judged her for her open vanity and extravagant ways but at the same time I was also deeply drawn to and full of admiration for her confidence and obvious connection to her inner truth, her inner wisdom, her inner feminine energy. Her message excited and empowered me to want to explore and embrace my own inner femme energy so that I can learn to become the Divine Creatrix of my own life.
A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination, prepared to be herself and only herself - Maya Angelou
All humans are born with feminine and masculine energy. The complex duality of the two creates a beautiful life balance. Femininity has nothing to do with gender and everything to do with energy. Herstik says, “We all have a polarity within us — that of the masculine (active/force) and the feminine (receptive/form) — and we experience these through periods of activity and periods of rest and integration. The Divine Feminine is the creative and life-giving energy within all of us that gives form to that which we care about and put our energy into."
The luminous vibration of the feminine is the source of all creative power!
When we harness this energy, we learn to trust our inner wisdom and intuition, we learn to courageously dream and confidently co-create with this divine force we are intrinsically connected to. Femme energy empowers us to respect and nurture ourselves, nurture the people around us and nurture the blessings of Mother Earth. This is the energy naturally aligned with the highest vibration there is ~ Love!
You know quite well, deep within you, that there is only a single magic, a single power, single salvation, and that is called LOVING - Herman Hesse
And holding true to Ghandi's wisdom, before we can infuse this world with LOVE, we must first love ourselves! Self-Love is very new territory for me. It's been quite the journey to arrive where I'm at now...a place where I'm actually comfortable with the person in the mirror...I know that she is more than enough, more than capable of making her dreams come true...a person I actually like being alone with...a person I now trust and can honestly say I love....this is very new and exciting and a journey I know will be ever-evolving...
The fabulous diva, Ingrid Arna, has also made me think of vanity differently. Yes, to be overtly vane, completely obsessed with oneself and borderline narcissist is wrong :) but a little bit of vanity sprinkled in is completely acceptable and diva-rific (made that up:). To start boldly loving our body temples, wildly flopping our fabulous hair around just because we can, wearing clothes that we feel feminine and sexy in, treating ourselves to manicures and pedicures often, loving and nurturing the aging skin on our face, quenching our mood with a delicious glass of wine when we need it, taking the time to connect with our body through the soulful movements of yoga...taking those selfies because we truly love that face and that person staring back at us in the camera!
Self-Love is loving the whole you...loving the physical body that carries you through this journey and loving the divine feminine energy that fuels your spirit and mind...the energy that creates the beautiful life you experience and the life you can help create for others!
So strap on the diva heels, take the silly selfies and proudly flaunt those pair of jeans that make you feel sexy!
Never water down your inner wild...your inner diva...your inner femme...let her shine her brilliant light!
Please, let us boldly and beautifully dance to the tune of the Divine Feminine Energy flowing through us, as we each contribute to her re-emergence in this world...this world patiently waiting for her healing.