Divine Blueprint
The greatest journey we will ever embark on is the discovery and intentional living into our divine soul purpose.
My birthday was at the beginning of this month, commencing my 39th year on this earth. Before I started stepping into my growth, birthdays for me often came with an appreciation for being blessed with another year, but also this deep feeling of discontentment and longing...for what?... I really wasn't clear on....just this persistent stirring in the depths of my womb...for more....more light, more joy, more fulfillment?
As my mind began to stretch and ignite, so did my desire to delve deep inside myself for answers and relief! This did not come to me as this sonic blast in one life-altering moment, but instead, has been unfolding day by day over the last two years. Although still in discovery mode (a place I plan to dwell in for the rest of my life), I'm very happy to report that relief has begun in the form of beautiful awareness of who I am, what I'm capable of, and what I truly want to do in this world...and as for the stirring...it has morphed into this exciting, burning NEED to unleash my light and intentionally live the divine blueprint of my soul! I have big, juicy, bodacious plans for the last year of my thirties and for the rest of this wild, beautiful life!
Few things are more powerful than learning that your path to a fulfilled life - and the glorious destiny that you are meant to share with the world - is part of your soul's blueprint - Rob Stryker
The reflective questions that have guided me on this self-discovery journey are:
Who am I?
Where am I?
Why am I here?
What am I going to do with this knowing?
Who Am I?
You are not your skin. You are not your body. You are a Soul. You're a cell in the body of the Divine. You're a magnificent product of Divine Creation. You are a moment of inspiration made manifest in a human body - Yancy Yael
My self-image, my vision of myself, my self-knowing has perhaps had the most radical transformation of all the aspects in my growth journey. I once believed that I was shy, introverted, nervous, incapable of expressing myself, having an intelligent opinion or making smart decisions...just small in so many ways. After working on changing these ridiculous limiting beliefs about myself and reprogramming my mind with a new positive self-image, I've begun to travel even deeper and am now on a journey to connect with the Divine. I now understand and live with the beautiful knowing that, as Rumi says, 'We are not a drop in the ocean; we are an entire ocean in one drop!' Our unique soul's blueprint...our unique life's purpose is a product of the Divine, of the Universe, of Infinite Intelligence, of GOD! We are, like I wrote in my previous post ~ the Commanding Master beneath the thoughts...we are intrinsically connected to Light Source....we are in essence LIGHT! When you begin to live with this knowing, a world of possibilities unfold and your unique divine blueprint slowly or suddenly ( if you're lucky) becomes crystal clear!
Where am I?
If you don't get lost, there's a chance you may never be found - Anonymous
I was certainly feeling lost for the last two decades of my life (ahhh!!) Reflecting on this once made me very sad, but what I've learned on this light journey, is that I had to get lost in order be found...If I didn't feel lost, I would never have begun seeking the answers and mustering up the courage to find my way out! Those twenty years are now considered a part of my evolution, an integral lesson in my curriculum! In the beginning, I had no idea where I was going, but I took those first steps, and little by little, the light of clarity has been illuminating the path! I may not know exactly how I am going to get there, I don't know the curves and roadblocks that will present themselves, but what I do know now, is exactly where I am going. Now, I live consciously in the moment and am manifesting my future truths, thought by thought with gratitude in my heart and excitement coursing through my veins!
Why am I here?
Cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements - Napoleon Hill
The answer to this often materializes into crystal view when you've answered the first two questions! When you become aware of your intrinsic connection to the Divine, you will begin to align with what your true purpose is on this planet. You become attuned with the high vibrational frequency of LOVE (Maitri) and develop a deep desire to BE MORE, DO MORE & HAVE MORE. Knowing that we are connected to the INFINITE, means knowing that ABUNDANCE IS OUR BIRTHRIGHT. Living an abundant life means living in alignment with our truth...living with so much LOVE, LIGHT, JOY, PEACE and FULFILLMENT! An abundant life will look different for every unique soul. Your abundant life may come from being the best darn parent you can be, living in your faith everyday, creating things with your hands (delicious food, beautiful crafts, inspiring drawings, impactful writings, etc.), inventing things to change the world, speaking and inspiring others, living in a cottage, living in a mansion by the sea, being surrounded by family...the list is endless and beautifully unique for every single person on the planet!
What am I going to do with this knowing?
Everything is energy, and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics - Albert Einstein
All the voices I learn from teach that we should start with the end goal in mind. When you answer question two and know Where you want to be...that future place becomes your North Star. How will the YOU of the future, who is already living that beautiful abundant life FEEL? How will that future YOU, ACT? What will a typical day in that beautiful, abundant future life Look like, Smell like, Sound like, Feel like, Taste like? Use your powerful faculty of IMAGINATION and paint that vivid image on the screen of your mind, as many times as you'd like every single day! And enjoy it...don't treat it like homework...treat it like your magic light work! Couple this with the intense feeling of GRATITUDE IN THE NOW for all that you have all around you, and the excited energy of positive expectation for what is coming, and you have achieved the vibrational frequency of your truth! Live in this vibration and according to Einstein and the natural laws of the universe, you will be living your soul's blueprint!
Living in this frequency of gratitude for life and connection to source, and absolute excitement for knowing and living into divine purpose is seriously extraordinary stuff guys! When you are connected to your light, you begin to function in the beautiful ease of FLOW. Obstacles that present themselves are handled with grace and positive understanding that you totally got this and that you are not alone, the Universe also has your back! This feeling...this vibrational energy that courses through my body everyday now ~ makes life so much brighter and electric! I still get my moments of doubt and fear and sadness, but I try to channel that awesome Maitri energy and bring compassion into the forefront of my thoughts every time. This is huge and I am more motivated than ever to start spreading this magic into the lives of many! Mahatma Gandhi said 'The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.' I've known for about a year now, that my divine blueprint is brightly painted with my service as a lightworker in this world. I know that I am meant to spread the light of awareness into the lives of those who need it most, and bring them into the brilliant light of their own divinity. This I know is truth and so it is!
Sending you abundant light and love and golden awareness on your beautifully unique soul purpose journey!
Throwing my future truth out there into the internet & the universe :)