As I think...
Here's to becoming the master hacker of that supercomputer hanging out between our ears ~ one code-busting line at a time!
As I think, so I feel. As I feel, so I do. As I do...So I have! - Joseph McClendon III
I've been on a mission to live in that coveted Executive state I wrote about in the previous post. That state where we are operating on a steadfast and sound belief in ourselves, in our ability to think, feel and act, creating the results we every day into our unfolding truth. I have a pretty clear idea of what I want to do, who I want to be and the future I want to create. When I sit on my yoga mat, the room is (relatively quiet :) and I focus on my breath, I can see this future as I vividly paint the colorful details in my mind. I can see it, feel it, almost touch it...couple minutes post mat meditation, and I'm back to allowing the very ridiculous ingrained belief that I am not enough and don't have what it takes, to inundate my thoughts. I allow that seriously outdated caveman brain to kick in...
(Sweet husband added the little boost of awesomeness :)
So I've made a pact with myself to reprogram this crazy supercomputer in my head, so that I may become the master designer of my life! This journey has introduced me to amazing thought leaders and legends, and seriously transformational content. It's this very content that literally pushed me eons outside my comfort zone and into this blog and the newfound awareness I now live in. I have a deep understanding of just how powerful my thoughts are on creating and directing the plot of my life!
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you - James Allen
This is why I've become somewhat obsessed with learning about how the brain works and what I can do to reprogram the limiting beliefs that have held me back from truly living into my potential. I've discovered new voices to learn from and have been filling up my free time with these resources.
If you're interested in learning about how to take care of the brain to produce a happier life, you can check out a free 21-day challenge that is presently running called the 'Love your brain, Love your life - 21-day challenge' with Dr. Daniel Amen and Joseph McClendon III at Dr. Amen specializes in the 'hardware' aspect of the brain, the health of the physical brain, and Joseph focuses on the 'software' aspect, which includes our thought patterns, habits, and beliefs. The challenge teaches very doable practices that we can learn to implement into our daily routines, to ultimately improve the overall health of our brains.
The very first challenge was to program self-love into our software...we were asked to look into the mirror every morning (and if you want before you go to bed also), really look deeply into our eyes (not the frizzy hair or wrinkles :) and say the words out loud...Jessica (your name), I LOVE YOU! As silly and trivial as this may sound, it is so powerful! The first time I did it, I was uncomfortable and nervous. I've cried several times, but with continued practice, I'm beginning to look forward to it, and guess what, I'm beginning to love myself more! This is me, updating my software! When we have self-love, it creates a solid foundation for us to grow and evolve into our true potential. And shouldn't the basis of everything in life start with love?
One of the biggest a-ha moments in your life should be the moment you discover that you get to choose what to believe. Figure out the best beliefs to have in order to live your best life. Then...see it, say it, move it and prove it. It's that simple. - Joseph McClendon III
Just by doing the Love software update daily, I've experienced results. I can't wait to see what happens after making a habit out of all the techniques presented in the challenge. All this amazing content is out there just waiting for us to consume. What we do with the content, however, will determine our ultimate success. Reprogramming that supercomputer takes sustained effort and persistent action. In the awesome book 'Limitless' by Jim Kwik, he teaches that "Learning is not a spectator sport. The human brain does not learn as much by consumption as it does by creation." We have to take action on the knowledge we acquire.
The "You are Enough!" statement in pink lipstick on my mirror is another technique learned from a free masterclass I did with Marissa Peer, a famous transformational hypnotherapist. (You can check out the Mindvalley platform for access to free masterclasses from the world's leading experts in all genres of personal development). The main takeaway from that class was that we cannot rely on some outside person or circumstance to fix our life...we must take complete responsibility for our growth. One of the techniques to do this is to program the belief you want to engage by repeating the words you most need to hear in your mind. 'You are enough!' By having that boldly displayed on your mirror, a place you see multiple times a day will tell the brain to accept that as fact. The brain works by repetition. The more you see and say those words, the faster and more successful it will become a belief. Imagine, if we all truly believed that we are enough..or as my husband says...More than enough...we are fully resourced to be, do and have anything we want in this life! Imagine the infinite possibilities that would open for us. Imagine a world where we are all evolving and growing into our true potential! This is the world I feel in the depths of my soul, that I must contribute to creating!
Like the wind which carries one ship East and another West, the law of autosuggestion will lift you up or pull you down, according to the way you set your sails of thought - Napoleon Hill
In the book, 'Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, (the book which started my growth journey)...he dedicates an entire chapter to the concept of Autosuggestion. This concept dates back to the ancient times when Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote, "Your mind will be like its habitual thoughts; for the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." Thought legends, like Buddha, James Allen, and French phycologist Émile Coué all laid testament to the powerful effects of thought on our circumstances.
According to the dictionary, Autosuggestion is 'the hypnotic or subconscious adoption of an idea that one has originated oneself, e.g. through repetition of verbal statements to oneself in order to change behavior.'
I learned of Autosuggestion in the very first book study I did on 'Think & Grow Rich. I learned it, I believed in its power, but never truly put it into a consistent practice. Until now...I'm now committed to giving it a real go! I'm ready to implant into my software, that which I truly desire and that which I am committed to becoming and creating. As per Napoleon Hill's very specific instructions, I've written out the statement of my intent and have been reading it aloud every morning and before I go to bed. In it, I've described in detail a future truth that I deeply desire. I've put in it a date by which I should have accomplished it and expressed my full belief that the plan to acquire it will come to me. Simply reading the statement, however, will not work. You must read with conviction and the unwavering belief that it will be your reality. You must use your imagination to vividly see and feel this future truth. Mixing this emotion with the words tricks the subconscious into believing that it is truth, and being the awesome supercomputer that it is, begins to work out ways of making it a reality. Being consistent with feeding this emotionalized statement to the subconscious will cause the shifts needed in your thoughts, your beliefs, and ultimately the actions necessary to create the desired results.
In all human affairs, there are efforts and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result. - James Allen
All of this reprogramming does not happen overnight. As with all great things, it requires sustained effort. I'm on my way to living in a day when my fears and insecurities no longer define me. I'm so proud of how far I've come and lived in gratitude every day for this journey and all the people around me who make it possible. Join me in the beautiful blossoming of ourselves into our true potential. Let's take one small step at a time. Let's do the work...lets lay the unshakable foundation of our evolving...for the day we emerge the magnificent butterfly!
"And one day she discovered that she was fierce and strong and full of fire, and that not even she could hold herself back, because her passion burned brighter than her fears"- Mark Anthony